24 Following

Kate Bond

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Ann Aguirre
The Reapers Are the Angels
Alden Bell
Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion
Janet Reitman
Jay Kristoff
Claudia Gabel, Cheryl Klam
The Age of Miracles
Karen Thompson Walker
The Long Earth
Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett
Barry Lyga
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas
The Bitter Kingdom
Rae Carson

Love in the Afternoon (Hathaway Series)

Love in the Afternoon - Lisa Kleypas Oh, what a lovely story. I am a huge fan of Kleypas's writing, and I think it's because she seems to just really LIKE people. Does that make sense? She thinks the best of everyone, and no matter what a person has said or done, they are redeemable. She also clearly loves women, which is incredibly refreshing. It's such a bummer when a romance author slut-shames, or hates on thin or heavy girls based on her own personal insecurities. And the way she handled the issue of soldiers coming home with PTSD, and how war changes people, felt respectful and just...I don't know. It felt right. In running out of Kleypas books to read. Such a bummer.